“打开门就是越南,”Open the door is Vietnam,
走两步就进东盟”。enter ASEAN in two steps”.
说的就是南疆国门 It is country gateway of southern China
——广西凭祥。 — Pingxiang, Guangxi.
大家好!Hello everyone!
我是广西凭祥市委书记王方红,I am Wang Fanghong, party secretary of Pingxiang, Guangxi.
很荣幸向大家推介凭祥。It is my great honor to recommend Pingxiang to you.
Pingxiang is a hero city
友谊关是凭祥的地标性建筑,Friendship Pass is a landmark building in Pingxiang.
始建于汉朝,It was first built in Han dynasty,
初名雍鸡关,named Yongji Pass at the beginning.
后数易其名,Later changed its name several times.
到了明朝改为镇南关,In Ming dynasty, it changed its name to Zhennan Pass.
1965年正式更名为友谊关,In 1965, it was officially changed its name to Friendship Pass
并由陈毅元帅亲笔题写。and was inscribed by marshal Chen Yi.
作为一座千年雄关,As a thousand-year old pass,
友谊关自设立以来,Friendship Pass has been writing its legend
便不断书写着千年传奇。ever since its establishment.
1885年,In 1885,
七旬老将冯子材临危受命,Feng Zicai, a 70-year-old general, was ordered
英勇抗战,to fight bravely against the Japanese invaders
取得了震惊中外的“镇南关大捷”, and won the victory of Zhennan Pass, which shocked the Chinese and foreign countries.
这是中国近代史上抵御外敌殖民入侵的This is a well-known battle for victory in the modern Chinese history
取得胜利的知名战役。against the invasion of foreign enemies.
1907年,In 1907,
孙中山在这里发动镇南关起义,Sun Yat-sen launched the Zhennan Pass uprising here
掀起了反对千年封建帝制的革命热潮, and set off a revolutionary upsurge against the feudal monarchy for thousand years.
这是他一生中唯一亲自组织领导、It was the only battle in his life that he personally organized and led,
亲临前线参战、personally fighted in the front line
亲自拉响大炮的战斗。and personally raised the artillery.
1949年12月11日,On December 11, 1949,
英勇的中国人民解放军 the heroic Chinese People’s Liberation Army
将红旗插上镇南关,inserted the red flag in Zhennan Pass,
宣告广西全境解放,and declared the liberation of Guangxi.
后来这一天成为了广西壮族自治区的“区庆日”。and later became the “District Day” of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
1953年,In 1953,
根据毛主席提议,at the suggestion of chairman Mao,
镇南关更名为睦南关,Zhennan Pass was renamed Harmony South Gate,
中越关系开启新篇章。opening a new chapter in sino-vietnamese relations.
1954年和1961年,In 1954 and 1961,
周恩来总理与越南主席胡志明,premier Zhou Enlai and Vietnamese President Ho Chi minh
两度在友谊关亲切会晤,had cordial meetings at friendship level.
中越人民“同志加兄弟”的情谊更深。The friendship between the Chinese and Vietnamese people “comrades plus brothers” was deeper.
悠久的历史,With its long history,
厚重的文化积淀,profound cultural accumulation
传奇的英雄故事,and legendary hero stories,
使友谊关成为中外游客向往的旅游胜地。Friendship Pass has become a popular tourist destination for Chinese and foreign tourists.
Pingxiang is an open border city
凭祥毗邻越南、Pingxiang is adjacent to Vietnam
靠近东盟,and close to ASEAN.
边境线长97公里,The border line is 97 kilometers long.
拥有2个国家一类口岸、It has 2 national first-class ports,
1个国家二类口岸、1 national second-class port,
4个边民互市区,and 4 border residents trade areas.
其中友谊关口岸是中国名关史册上,The Friendship Pass port is the only one in China’s famous customs history
唯一与外国接壤、that borders on foreign countries
至今仍在起通关作用的关口。and still plays a role in customs clearance.
凭祥是“一带一路”、 Pingxiang is the land gateway of “The Belt And Road”,
西部陆海新通道建设的陆路门户,the construction of new land and sea passage in the west,
更是中国通往越南及东南亚国家最便捷的陆路大通道。It is also the most convenient land passage for China to Vietnam and southeast Asian countries.
拥有综合保税区、It has six national open platforms, including comprehensive bonded zone
自由贸易区等六大国家级开放平台。and free trade zone.
截止2018年底,By the end of 2018,
依托区位、口岸、政策等资源优势,relying on resource advantages such as location, port and policy,
凭祥实现了“三个全国第一”:Pingxiang has achieved “three national first” :
外贸进出口总额位居全国沿边开放城市第一;The total volume of foreign trade ranked first among the open border cities in China.
边境小额贸易进出口总额连续四年位居全国第一;The total volume of border small trade imports and exports ranked first in China for four consecutive years.
口岸水果进出口连续七年位居全国第一,Port fruit import and export ranked first in the country for seven consecutive years.
全国每进口两个东南亚热带水果,For every two southeast Asian tropical fruits imported,
就有一个是从凭祥进来的。one came from Pingxiang.
这里还有全国乃至东南亚地区,There is also a redwood market
单体建筑面积最大、with the largest single building area,
流派最齐、the most complete schools
品种最多的红木市场 and the most varieties in the whole country and even in southeast Asia
——中国红木第一城,– the best redwood city in China,
是享誉中国的红木之都。which is renowned as the city of redwood in China.
Pingxiang is a transnational tourism city
凭祥是中国优秀旅游城市、Pingxiang is Chinese excellent tourist city,
首批国家全域旅游示范区创建城市、one of the first batch of cities established by the national model tourism area,
广西特色旅游名县,and a famous tourist county with guangxi characteristics.
拥有3个国家4A级景区、It has 3 national 4A-level scenic spots
6个国家3A级景区。and 6 national 3A-level scenic spots.
我们可以看一场庄严的边关升国旗仪式,we can watch a solemn border customs flag raising ceremony,
吃一份具有东盟特色的水果捞、水果宴,eat fruity mix, fruit feast with ASEAN characteristics,
买一份独具特色的东盟商品,buy a unique ASEAN products,
来一回说走就走的跨国自驾游。and have a transnational self-driving trip.
只要您带上身份证,As long as you bring your ID card,
当天就能办好出境手续,you can go through the exit formalities on the same day,
不到5秒就能自助通关;and you can go through the customs in less than 5 seconds.
体验一回充满异域风情的跨国游。Experience an exotic transnational trip.
总之,In a word,
这里多姿多彩、独一无二,here is colorful and unique,
肯定会留下一份美好甜蜜的回忆!and will definitely leave a beautiful and sweet memories!
“千年雄关辟新途, “Millennium pass has opened up new way,
边贸开放立门户。China has opened up its border trade to the outside world.
自贸一步跨东盟, Free trade across to ASEAN in one step,
看我凭祥成热土。” Pingxiang become a hot land.”
我真诚地邀请大家,I sincerely invite all of you
来一场说走就走的旅行。to take a trip on the spur of the moment.
我们在凭祥等着您!We are waiting for you in Pingxiang!